When using your personal vehicle for a job trip or business traveling, you should keep an accurate log of your mileage for claiming the IRS deductions or for expensing. The manual tracking of miles covered for business purposes can be daunting. Moreover, when you make frequent stops during a business trip, it can be unrealistic for you to remember to record every stop. However, the process has been largely simplified by using automated logging. A mileage log app with advanced features and functionalities can help in tracking the miles accurately. Here we discuss the main features of such apps:
1. Easy Classification with Automated Unlimited Log:
Few of the advanced apps with high-end features allow unlimited automatic logging without any monthly limits for free. They should catch every drive in the background and keep a track of all trips with full route and address. With a single tap on your phone, you can classify the trips as business or personal. This helps in maintaining the record of all deductions as well. With a turn-on notification feature, the app sends immediate notification on completion of every trip without you even have to open the app.
2. Customization Features:
If you want to simplify the process of calculating the tax deductions, prefer choosing an app having customization features. It allows you to set a country-specific or custom tax deduction rate. When you want separation of expenses by multiple vehicles or business, you need an app having multi-vehicle support feature to facilitate this function. Additionally, look for features that enable generating rich custom reports with time, vehicle, and trip status in a supportive format.
3. Auto-Classify Filters:
Ideally, a high-end mileage log app will organize most trip without you having to repeat classify trips again and again. The drives can be broadly classified as personal, business or by a specific purpose or project. Also, there should be auto-classification filters for time tracking so trips logged off-hour are classified as personal automatically saving you lots of time..
4. Snap Statistics:
With this feature, you can easily view the number of trips remaining unclassified, miles driven for business purposes in a week or month, and total distance traveled. Using these statistics, you can track progress and prepare your deduction claims instantly.
5. Traffic and Fuel Management:
Along with time and date tracking, you can also track the speed in traffic and total time spent at a particular road junction. An advanced app also helps to review the route by zooming in on the trip route map. You can also find an optional route using this feature. You now both expense all business mileage accurately but might also improve your fuel economy.
6. Assigning the Trip Purposes:
You can assign a custom purpose to a trip with a single tap. This way you can generate expenses for a specific project or sales district. You want to be able to create custom purposes using unique text and rates.
These are the best features to be preferred in a mileage tracking app for preparing an accurate log of business miles covered in a year.