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30 day free trial for all plans.
Downloaded by +200,000 users.

Sorted Just for You

Trips are sorted automatically by date and classification. Find what you need when you need it!

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Filters and statistics screenshots on phones
Portal multiple devices screenshots

Web portal access

Advanced filter options, bulk classification, custom reports, and other great features! PC and Mac accessible.

Set your Work hours

Cut down on battery usage and only log trips when you're on the clock! Adjust your schedule settings to auto classify all trips taken within and/or outside your Work Hours as Business, Personal, or Custom.
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Work hours Auto-Classify™ screenshots
Teams screenshot

Milecatcher Teams

Do you want your employees using MileCatcher? Try MileCatcher Teams for company wide reporting, consolidated billing, and more!

Check out our Teams page and see if MileCatcher Teams is right for you!
Explore Teams

Custom Locations

Give an address a custom nickname (ex. "Work", "Home", etc) and MileCatcher will remember for all future trips taken to or from that location. Custom nicknames will also appear on your reports for an at-a-glance friendly experience!
Named locations
Apple watch trip logged notification

Instant Classification

Trips can be classified with one tap from your notification screen. No need to open the app. Instant Classification is smartphone and smartwatch compatible.
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